Harry Potter Chamber Of Secrets Hermoine Polyjuice Potion 100MM Waterglobe
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Mix it up with Hermoine !
This 100 MM San Francisco Music Box musical water globe has Hermoine sitting at a cauldron mixing her special polyjuice potion. The bottom half of this piece has four memorable images from the Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets movie. The first is of a cauldron & all the ingredients to make Hermoine's polyjuice potion, second is the Gryffindor symbol, third is of the Weasly's magical flying car stuck in the Whomping Willow tree & finally is the serpent that Harry Potter defeated while being confronted by Tom Riddle.
This musical water globe plays the popular Harry Potter Prologue as it's tune.
Dimensions: 6.5" H x 4.5" W x 4.5" D